Space Applications Services NV/SA Head Office is in Brussels, Europe with a subsidiary, Aerospace Applications North America Inc. in Houston, USA. Space Applications Services Belgium is EN 9100 certified. We have recently celebrated 30 years of experience and success in the space business in developing systems for the European Space Agency (ESA), National Space Agencies, the aerospace industry as well as for the security markets industries. The group is consistently growing, developing new strengths and capabilities: we work on some of the most demanding and challenging space projects, including the International Space Station, Orion, Dream Chaser, ExoMars and on some of the most advanced systems, Space Exoskeleton, Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space, Electromagnetic Levitator, Fluid Science Laboratory. At the head office in Belgium we have laboratories, workshop and clean-room facilities. We are passionate about what we do and our group is characterised by an atmosphere of pride in our achievements, commitment and teamwork. We are forward looking and engaged in the emerging market of Low Earth Orbit commercialisation with our International Commercial Experiment Cubes Service (an European first) and are developing a lunar rover as well as researching In Situ Resource Utilisation.
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