GMV was born in 1984 as fruit of the business initiative of Professor Dr. Juan José Martínez García. From the word go GMV centered on the space and defense sector, taking its first steps in fields like mission analysis, flight dynamics, control centers, satellite navigation or simulation, all areas in which GMV is nowadays a leading light internationally. It started out with a small group of engineers that won a contract for ESA's European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) in an open international tender. GMV then went from strength to strength, growing into a solid firm boasting a 100-strong staff by the late eighties.
It participated actively in ESA's first space missions and provided highly specialized services for the main international satellite manufacturers and operators. In a few short years the sheer quality of its work won GMV a cast-iron reputation in the European space sector. In 1988 it was declared to be a Center of Excellence in Orbital Mechanics by the European Space Agency.
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