ADMATIS is a Hungarian SME founded in 2000. ADMATIS characterizes itself as a sub-prime in Hungary for the coordination and management of space industry related projects from the design to the manufacturing phase meeting all documentation requirements.
In 2002, Admatis was awarded its first major contract by NASA, to deliver an upgraded UMC and provide further in-situ technical assistance for 2 years at Marshall Space Flight Centre, Al, USA. Continuing this line of research, as part of the FOCUS project, we have been awarded an opportunity by ESA to perform a foaming experiment on board of the ISS. Admatis has earned its first major supplier contract from an ESA prime contractor ASTRIUM (now AIRBUS), Toulouse, France, to design and manufacture several thousands of mechanical and thermal components of the MSI payload of the Sentinel-2 satellite fleet. Thanks to FOCUS and Sentinel-2 projects, Admatis became one of the most competitive Hungarian entities. This led to much more space projects in the following years. Admatis was selected to develop the radiators of CHEOPS satellite.After Hungary have joined the ESA in 2015, an incentive program was initiated in order to develop the Hungarian space industry through companies’ performance improvement.The thermal domain at ADMATIS has been extended by Multi-Layer Insulation (MLI) since 2016. In 2020, ADMATIS designed and manufactured flight grade Multi-Layer Insulation (MLI) blankets and thermal dummies for the JUICE mission of ESA.